Gala, '06

I almost considered not going, and now after the fact I’m ashamed to admit it, because I really did have a great time. I’d just bought my first suit for interviews that I’ll be taking later next month, so this was the perfect opportunity to give them a dry run, which I felt went well. It’s fun to get dressed up once in awhile, and I found that I actually kind of like wearing a suit. (Don’t look half bad in one either)
I’d asked a friend to come with me as my social date, she decided not to go and to study for the MCAT instead (a shame, as I’m sure the evening away from chemistry would have done her good), but I decided to go anyways, and I’m not sorry that I did. There were plenty of friends there to see, and our group staked out two tables so it ended up being really a very fun time. I was also pleased to see that much of the faculty turned out too, so it really was an event for our whole program.
Even got out and danced a little. Figured out that the key is to wait until later in the evening when everyone has had plenty to drink, then you just go and boogie because nobody is really paying very close attention. I’d say only a quarter of the people out there actually knew how to dance, but everyone was having a good time. (I have every intention though of joining that quarter though; the more I dance, the more I find how fun it is).
Oh, and one other thing. I got numerous compliments on my tie, which I picked out myself (and figured out again how to tie) after not having worn a tie for years. The girls all told me that purple makes a great statement, and like my brother Mark told me, in the end, if you’re simply feeling a tie, if you feel good when you wear it, and it makes you square your shoulders and hold your head high, then it’s a good tie for you. I was definitely feeling this one.
It really was a fantastic evening.
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