The Guggenheim

The Guggenheim is a bit tough to describe, but I think it’s accurate to say it’s like a museum of modern art & architecture. So, in fairness, part of the reason I didn’t enjoy it so much is that this sort of thing … isn’t my thing. I really enjoy more classical art, like what you’d find at the Louvre or the Met, but with this stuff I felt like I didn’t really ‘get’ it. I wish I’d had someone there to help explain the significance of what I was seeing. As it was, I felt very lost; it’s all somewhat deconstructionist. This shot is from the ground floor looking ‘up’; the museum isn’t very big, and it’s built in kind of a spiral.
I went with a couple of school friends, and when we got there we’d been told that Columbia students could get in for free, but the lady at the desk said we had to have the sticker for the current semester on our IDs, otherwise we’d have to pay the regular student rate of $15. I thought this was nonsense, so I waited until that lady left, went up to the counter and asked politely if there was anything else that could be done. After a bit of back & forth, the new girl decided to just refund us our money, which I very much appreciated.
So, if any of my classmates are reading, be sure you have the current sticker on your ID before you go!
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