Dark Side of the Moon

They say that college is a time to experiment, try new things, blah blah blah, and one thing that students often branch out on is music. I’m in a bit of a different spot as I’m older and have a better feel for my musical tastes, but I still like listening to new things. I don’t remember exactly what got me thinking about it, but I kept hearing about how great Pink Floyd was, and how DSOTM was their definitive album. So, I had a friend hook me up with it, and I gave it a listen this last week.
And it is amazing! I can see now what everyone likes about it so well, it’s just a great, great album. The sounds are very unique, the pacing of the album is fantastic, in that it isn’t in a hurry to get somewhere, and the themes and the way that they’re relayed are just very, very creative.
It’s impressive that more than 30 years after the album was first released that it still continues to be so popular. For anyone who hasn’t heard it yet, I highly, HIGHLY recommend it.
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