Graduation: Finale

By no means is this the end. I don’t think that I have quite come home to rest here in Seattle just yet. There are several main cities that finance is practiced in around the world, and I would like to live in several of them before my travels are over. I’d still like to live in the Bay area, and I’d really like to live in Shanghai or Hong Kong as well.
After reflecting about it, I believe that I will continue to blog about my life and adventures, but this blog has served its purpose now. This blog was about my life in New York, and now that chapter is concluded, and it is time to begin a new one.
Once I have the new one started, I will return here and edit this final post with a link to the new blog. Blogger has been good but my friends are pushing me towards Wordpress so I’ll update things once I’ve figured it out.
Thanks everyone who has accompanied me and been with me as a part of this journey. To my friends in New York, I can’t wait for you guys to come and visit me here, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see many of you again more closely a bit further down the road. To my friends here in Seattle, old and new, it is great to see you all, and I can’t wait to reconnect.
This amazing chapter would be incomplete without one final thanks in particular. To my father, who has made all of this possible, from the start to the finish. I could never have done it without you. You are the one who has made me, you are the one who stood by me and never gave up on me. You are the only one who was there in the beginning, and you will be there in the end.
Then David went in and sat back, and he said:
“Who am I that you have brought me so far?”
The story continues HERE …
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