Weddings in Vermont

The bride (in the picture) is a friend of ours; she and I took Calc III together, and I’m honestly not sure if I would have passed the class without her help. Plus, we had a great time working together. I met Noah, her now husband, a few months later, and he and I also hit it off; I don’t think there are very many couples you could honestly say that you’d be friends with both of them even if they weren’t together.
Michael is a fellow GS student and a mutual friend of the three of us, so he and I had planned to drive up to Vermont (a six hour trip) for the wedding on the 15th. He decided to bring his girlfriend Abby along, who was really cool and I’m glad I had the chance to meet & talk with, but it changed the nature of the trip in a few ways. I of course had to get a hotel by myself, and I did feel a bit like a fifth wheel at times. I think I’m not going to go to weddings by myself anymore.
The wedding itself was great, very short ceremony, and this may be the first time I’ve seen a wedding with more groomsmen than bridesmaids. (11 vs 7) Jenn & Noah have been together for awhile, so even though the wedding was really top notch, they were after short & sweet with the ceremony so that they could get on to the after party. The wedding was held at this great old mansion out in the country, really a nice spot, except that we were miles from an internet connection and even cell phone service was sketchy. Dancing and drinking lasted late into the night, and overall it really was a fun time.
Saturday night is when things started to get interesting. Michael decided he wanted to make a day trip out of the journey back to the city on Sunday, stopping by some state parks for fishing, canoeing, etc. I’m also getting the feeling he wants to spend some time with Abby, and I need to be back earlier, so I have to try and find a ride. Which I do, I find a guy going back to the city on Sunday morning at around 10:30, which should be perfect. Except that he leaves without me. So I have to scramble to find a ride AGAIN.
I find three girls who are going back and are willing to give me a lift, and although they were quite polite to me, I think they might have forgotten I was in the car 15 minutes after we got underway. So, I got to listen to six hours of uncensored ‘girl-talk’. I’ve always been curious what girls talk about among themselves, and now I know. Most of it revolved around their relationships with their past 2 or 3 boyfriends, their mothers, and other people’s relationships. It was a fascinating bit of insight, but after six non-stop hours when we finally got back to New York I felt strongly in need of some type of rough masculine sport like boxing or rugby.
It was a very insightful weekend, and I’m glad that I went, especially for Jenn & Noah’s sake, I think they would have been disappointed had I not come. I learned some very interesting things too, and I’ll bear them in mind for the next wedding I go to.
Laughing! - This sounds like quite the may find yourself very grateful down the road for the somewhat extened opportunity (?)to hear some girl talk...but six hours?...well my empathy is right there with you!
Oops - That first comment shoud read: Saskatchewan said:...
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