
The last few weeks have been crazy, mostly crazy good, but still crazy. There’s been a lot going on, a lot I have to recount here. So tonight is going to be the lightening round; instead of doing longer entries as I usually do, I’m going to do shorter ones, but more of them. There’s going to be a LOT of new content tonight, so consider yourselves warned …
** End note **
Hurrah, midterms are over! Had three of them over the last few days, and while I really can’t complain since most of my classmates had more, it’s still good to know they’re in the past. On top of that, we have next Mon & Tues off school (I think due to Election Day) so I have that to look forward to as well.
I was fortunate in that I didn’t have any of my midterms on the same day as another one. My first was in Lit Hum, which went fine, but I mixed up two of the authors, stupid Greek names. I’m sure I did fine on it, and I got an ‘A’ on the first paper for the class, so I doubt I have much to worry about but I feel stupid for what I missed. My oral Chinese exam went poorly, but I have no one to blame for that besides myself. I should have practiced it more, but it’s not a very big part of the overall course grade and I had other priorities.
I just took my last one in Money & Banking this afternoon, and am pretty confident that I aced it (maybe less a couple points here & there if the professor is feeling nit picky). That makes me very happy, as I’d really like to have an ‘A’ in that class. It’s been a good class, and I feel I’ve learned a lot.
The REALLY crazy thing is to consider that there’s only 6 weeks left in the semester, and then it’s over. And then we’re into my final semester here at Columbia, and then I will be done! I think May 16 is going to come rushing up on me faster than I anticipate …
Are you seriously, really, actually done in May? My God, where has the time gone? I can remember with perfect clairity the day you called me and told me you were accepted to Columbia, and it really seems like yesterday. I'm pleased to hear your tests went so well and that you are enjoying (the majority) of your classes. If I know David A. Engle (and I do!) he will keep his chin up and finish the semester with dedication and excellence. I will be in prayer for your continued success my friend.
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